Brian Goss, Ph.D.
Department of Communication
Ph.D. Politics and Media - Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign (2000)
Doctoral Thesis: "Teeth Gritting Harmony": The Ideology of Neoliberalism (defended 24 September 1999)
M.A. Psychology - University of Illinois (1993)
B.A. Psychology - Wesleyan University (1988)
Practice Areas
- Politics and Media (Propaganda Model, Critical Studies of Journalism, New Media, Audiences, Theory of Ideology).
- Film (International Cinemas, Auteurism).
Publications and Media Placements
Books – Author
(2020). The Rise of Weaponized Flak in the New Media Era: Beyond the Propaganda Model. New York: Peter Lang.
(2013). Rebooting the Herman & Chomsky Propaganda Model in the Twenty-First Century. New York: Peter Lang.
(2009). Global Auteurs: Politics in the Films of Almodóvar, Winterbottom and Von Trier. New York: Peter Lang.
Books – Editor
(2016). Talking Back to Globalization: Texts & Practices. New York: Peter Lang. Edited with Mary Rachel Gould and Joan Pedro-Carañana
(2013). Identity: Between Tradition and McWorld Neoliberalism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Co-edited with Christopher A.
(2001). "All Our Kids Get Better Jobs Tomorrow: The North American Free Trade Agreement
in the New York Times (1993)." Journalism and Communication Monographs, 3:1 (2001), pp. 5-47.
Book Chapters – Refereed & Invited Texts
Brian Michael Goss (2023). "'From that Victory, They Never Recovered': A Critical
Analysis of The Express' Coverage of Brexit in Mid-2022 as compared with The Guardian". In, Cultural Dialogues, pp. 136-154, edited by Emilia Parpală and Carmen Popescu. Craiova, Romania: Editura
(2022). "A 'Minor, Insignificant Preamble to Something Else'? The Twenty-First Century
Salience of Richard Linklater's Dazed & Confused (1993)". In, Forms of Critical Thinking, pp. 139-157, edited by Emilia Parpală and Carmen Popescu. Craiova, Romania: Editura
(2021). "The Up Series of Documentaries (1964-2019): From Imagined Community to Unimaginable". In,
Communicating Identities: Literature and Other Forms of Verbal Interaction, pp. 114-130, edited by Emilia Parpală and Carmen Popescu. Craiova, Romania: Editura
(2020). "Becoming Chump Nation in the Imaginary (and Beyond): The United States in
the Spanish Films ¡Bienvenido, Mr. Marshall! (1953) and Buried (2010)". (2020). In, Identity and Difference: Contributions from the Field of the Humanities, pp. 116-129, edited by Emilia Parpală and Carmen Popescu. Craiova, Romania: Editura
(2020). "Veritable Flak Tactics: A Case Study of Project Veritas and a Call for Truth".
Reimagining Journalism and Social Order in a Fragmented Media World, pp. 76-91, edited by Robert "Ted" Gutsche, Jr. and Kristy Hess. New York: Routledge.
(2019). "Herman & Chomsky 2020: Una Elaboración Contemporánea de la Teoría de Flak".
In El Modelo de Propaganda y el Control de los Medios, pp. 131-153, edited by Joan Pedro-Carañana and Francisco Sierra. Comunicación Social:
(2019). "La isla mínima: Refracting the Two Spains". In, Language, Literature and Other Cultural Phenomena: Communicational and Comparative
Perspectives, pp. 129-146, edited by Emilia Parpală and Carmen Popescu. Craiova, Romania: Editura
(2018). "'Getting Carter' through Post-Presidential Articulations (and What It Tells
Us about News Discourse in an Age of Concision)". In, Explorations of Identity, pp. 185-2015, edited by Carmen Popescu. Craiova and Cluj-Napoca: Editura Universitaria
and Presa Universitariă Clujeană.
(2017). "Being Different Differently: The Tourism Discourse of Spain's Junta de Extremadura".
In, Identity and Identification: Proceedings of the 14th International "Culture and Power"
Conference, pp. 97-110, edited by Ángel Mateos-Aparicio Martín-Albo and Eduardo de Gregerio
Godeo. Cuenca: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Brian Michael Goss, Joan Pedro-Carañana and Mary Rachel Gould (2016). "Introduction".
In Talking Back to Globalization: Texts, Practices & Interventions, pp. xxi-xxix. New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Brian Michael Goss, Mary Rachel Gould
and Joan Pedro-Carañana.
(2016). "'Petting the Burning Dog' of Orientalism: Implications of Occupation (2009) and Generation Kill (2008) for Cosmopolitan Assumptions about Globalization". In Talking Back to Globalization: Texts, Practices & Interventions, pp.39-58. New York: Peter Lang. Edited by Brian Michael Goss, Mary Rachel Gould
and Joan Pedro-Carañana.
Brian Michael Goss and Christopher A. Chávez (2013). "Introduction". In, Identity: Beyond Tradition and McWorld Neoliberalism, Edited by Brian Michael Goss & Christopher A. Chávez. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing.
(2013). "'Yob Rule': The Us and Them Binary In The Daily Telegraph's Coverage of the 2011 Riots". In, Identity: Beyond Tradition and McWorld Neoliberalism, Edited by Brian Michael Goss and Christopher A. Chávez. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge
Scholars Publishing.
(2008). "Right-Wing Quack: Bruce Tinsley's Mallard Fillmore". In Estudis de Comunicació: El discurs del còmic. Universitat de València. Volume Edited by Carmina Gregori Signes, et al., pp. 111-125.
Book Chapters – Conference Proceedings
(2010). "Sheffield Slumdogs: Reading The Full Monty (1997)". In, Género e Culturas Mediáticas / Gender and Media Cultures" Edited by Maria João Silveirinha, Ana Teresa Peixinho and Clara Almeida Santos.
Portugal: Mariposa Azual. ISBN: 978-972-8481-18-6.
Refereed Articles
(2025). "The Last of Us (2023; Home Box Office; Season One): A Road Trip through the Leviathan, Neoliberalism,
Fundamentalist Authoritarianism and Small Socialism". Journal of Communication Inquiry.
(2025). "Learn to Fly: Ideology and Identity in Twenty-First Century US Films on Airplanes".
Atlantic Journal of Communication.
(2024). "Ideological Baggage: An Analysis of Sully (Clint Eastwood, 2016) and Flight (Robert Zemeckis, 2012)". Journal of Film and Video, 76:3 (Fall), pp. 30-44.
(2023) "Introducing Sham Journalism: A Case-Study of Newsmax' Discourse on Special
Counsel John Durham in 2022", Journalism Practice. Available at:
(2022). "Mad Men (2007-15), not 'Rad Men': Or, from Brothel Pickpocket to Transcendental Advertiser".
Journal of Communication Inquiry. Available at:
(2022). "'What's your dream?' The films of femme auteur Andrea Arnold". Studies in European Cinema. Available at:
(2022). "The Home and the World: Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Class in Españoles en el mundo". Journal of European Popular Culture, 13:1, pp. 41-58. Available at:
(2021). "Shield and Sword: Discursive Kevlar and National Review's Discourse on the First Trump Impeachment (2019-2020)". Atlantic Journal of Communication. Available at:
(2021). "Making Watergate 'Look Like Child’s Play': The Solyndra Discourse (2011-12) as Flak—and What It Says About Journalism". Media & Communication, 9:2, pp. 86-97.
(2020). "Neoliberal-spotting: Reading the Socioeconomic Symptoms of Trainspotting (1996) and T2: Trainspotting (2017)". Journal of Communication Inquiry.
(2017). "Veritable Flak Tactics: A Case Study of Project Veritas and a Call for Truth". Journalism Studies, 19:4, pp. 548-563.
(2017). "Unmasking the Monster(s) in 28 Weeks Later". Film International, 15:2, pp. 99-113.
(2017). "'We're Off on Holiday' and Other Tropes: An Analysis of Movement in Michael Winterbottom's
Road Movies". Journal of Communication Inquiry, 41:3, pp. 288-305.
(2017). "The Pain in Spain: An Analysis of Horror-Auteur Jaume Balagueró's Films". Studies in European Cinema, 14:1, pp. 66-81.
(2015). "Four Months, Three Weeks and Two Days (2007) and Beyond the Hills (2012): Romanian Auteur Cristian Mungiu and the Paradoxes of 'Anti-National National
Cinema'". Journal of European Popular Culture, 6:1, pp. 33-47.
(2014) "Almodóvar Studies': Embracing Brokenness in Abrazos rotos (2009), La piel que habito (2011) and Los amantes pasajeros (2013)". Miríada Hispánica, 8 (April), pp. 69-85.
(2014) "The World is Not Enough: An Analysis of Us and Them in International Herald Tribune/International New York Times". Journalism Studies, 14.
(2013) "Ideology and Cold War Identity in Mission: Impossible". Communication, Culture and Critique, 6:1, pp. 64-81.
(2009) "Rebel Yell: The Politics of The Celebration (1998)". Studies in European Cinema, 6: 2 & 3, pp. 215-227.
(2009) "'The Left-Media's Stranglehold': Flak and Accuracy In Media Reports". Journalism Studies, 10:4, pp. 455-473.
(2008) "Te doy mis ojos (2003) and Hable con ella (2002): Gender in Context in Two Recent Spanish Films". Studies in European Cinema, 5:1, pp. 31-44.
(2007) "The Politics of Apoliticality: ¡Qué me Dices! Celebrity, Gender Ideology and Surveillance." International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 3:3, pp. 271-287.
(2007) "On-line 'Looney Tunes': An Analysis of Reader Comment Threads On An Opinion
- Editorial Blog In The Nation". Journalism Studies, 8:3, pp. 365-81.
(2007) "Taking Cover from Progress: Michael Winterbottom's Code 46". Journal of Communication Inquiry, 31:1, pp. 62-78.
(2006) "Sex Education Fantasies: Ideology and Right Wing Science". Southern Review, 39:1, pp. 8-24.
(2005) "Jeffersonian Poetry: An Ideological Analysis of George F. Will's Editorials
(2002-04)". Journalism Studies, 6:4, pp. 417-29.
(2004) "Steven Soderbergh's The Limey: Implications for the Auteur Theory and Industry Structure." Popular Communication, 2:4, pp. 231-255.
(2004) "Foreign Correspondent: Spain in the Gaze of The New York Times and The Guardian". Journalism Studies, 5:2, pp. 203-19.
(2003) "The 2000 US Presidential Election in and The Washington Post". Journalism Studies, 4:2, pp. 163-82.
(2002) "'Things Like This Don't Just Happen': Ideology and Paul Thomas Anderson's
Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, and Magnolia." Journal of Communication Inquiry, 26:2, pp. 169-90.
(2002) "'Deeply Concerned About the Welfare of the Iraqi People': The Sanctions Regime
Against Iraq in the New York Times (1996-98)." Journalism Studies, 3:1, pp. 83-99.
(2000) "Hail to the Subject: The Durability (for the Moment) of Neo-Liberalism". Cultural Studies: A Research Annual, 5:1, pp. 363-93.
(2000) "Spectacular Recuperation: Alex Cox' Sid & Nancy". Journal of Communication Inquiry, 24:2, pp. 156-76.
Refereed Articles in the Discipline of Psychology
(2018) William J. Gehring, Brian Goss, Michael G.H. Coles, David Meyer, and Emanuel
Donchin. "The Error-Related Negativity". Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13:2, pp.200-204.
(1993) William J. Gehring, Brian Goss, Michael G. H. Coles, David E. Meyer, and Emanuel
Donchin. "A Neural System for Error Detection and Compensation". Psychological Science, 4:6, pp.285-290.
Book Reviews
Brian Michael Goss (2024). Trolling Ourselves to Death: Democracy in the Age of Social Media by Jason Hannan. Popular Communication. Available at:
Review: Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism by Jeffrey Toobin (2023). Journal of Communication Inquiry. Available at:
(2021). "Review: Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker and the Rise of the New
Republican Party by Julian E. Zelizer". Journal of Communication Inquiry. Available at:
(2019). "Review: Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America", by Nancy MacLean. Journal of Communication Inquiry. 43: 3, pp.333-338.
(2016). "Reviews: The Cinema of Michael Winterbottom: Borders, Intimacy, Terror by Bruce Bennett". Journal of European Popular Culture Journal of European Popular Culture, 7:1, pp.94-97.
(2015). Reviews: Contemporary Romanian Cinema: The History of an Unexpected Miracle by Dominique Nasta -and- From Communism to Capitalism: Nation and State in Romanian Cultural Production by Florentina C. Andreescu. Journal of European Popular Culture, 6:1, pp.72-76.
(2012). Review: Destination Dictatorship: The Spectacle of Spain's Tourist Boom and the Reinvention
of Difference by Justin Crumbaugh. Journal of European Popular Culture, 2:1, pp.102-105.
(2010) "Review: 'What the Heck Are You Up to, Mr. President?': Jimmy Carter, America's 'Malaise' and
the Speech That Should Have Changed the Country by Kevin Mattson (2009). European Journal of American Culture, 29: 1, pp.69-72.
(2010) "Book Review: Planet Google: How One Company is Transforming Our Lives by Randall Stross (2008)". Journal of Communication Inquiry, 34:1, pp.109-113.
(2008) "Book Review: The Cinema of Lars on Trier: Authenticity and Artifice" by Caroline Bainbridge. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 32:1, pp.313-318.
(2008) "Book Review: Pedro Almodóvar by Marvin D´Lugo. Journal of Communication Inquiry, 32:1, pp.83-87.
(2006) "Book Review: We the Media" by Dan Gillmor. Popular Communication, 4:2, pp. 155-157.
(2003) "Critical Essays and Reviews: Understanding Disney by Janet Wasko and Global Hollywood by Toby Miller, Nitin Govil, John McMurria and Richard Maxwell". Journal of Communication Inquiry, 27:2, pp. 215-23.
(2002) "Book Review: The Death of a Thousand Cuts by Jarod B. Mannheim". Journal of Communication Inquiry, 26:1, pp.102-106.
Brian Michael Goss (2012). "Shoveling Toward the Meaning of Fargo (1996)". Bright Lights Film Journal, Aug., No.67.
(2010) “Watching Kubrick’s Corpus in Reverse: The Documentary Shorts Flying Padre (1951) and Day of the Fight (1951)". Bright Lights Film Journal, Feb., No.67.
Journal Editorial Boards
(2019 – ): Journalism Practice (Taylor & Francis / Routledge)
(2009 – ): Journal of Communication Inquiry (Sage)
(2009 – ): Journal of European Popular Culture (Intellect)
(2014 –2024 ): Journalism Studies (Taylor & Francis / Routledge)
Conference Activity – Organizer
Audiovisualtopia. Madrid, Spain. October 2015.
Globalization: Texts · Performances · Practices. Madrid, Spain. April 2014.
Identity, Communication, and Culture. Madrid, Spain. April 2012.
Representation Now Conference. Madrid, Spain. April 2010.
Conference Activity - Keynote Address
Comparativism, Identity & Communication Conference (online). University of Craiova,
Romania. Oct. 2021.
Comparativism, Identity & Communication Conference (online). University of Craiova,
Romania. Oct. 2020.
Comparativism, Identity & Communication Conference. Craiova, Romania. Oct. 2018.
Comparativism, Identity & Communication Conference. Craiova, Romania. Oct. 2017.
Conference Activity – Addresses Delivered
Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2024.
International Association for Media and Communication Conference (IAMCR). Lyon, France.
July 2023.
Second International Conference on Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series. Valencia,
Spain. Oct. 2022.
The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age. Bonn, Germany. Sept. 2019.
International Association for Media and Communication Conference (IAMCR). Madrid,
Spain. July 2019.
Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos (APEAA) Conferência. Porto, Portugal.
June 2019.
World in Flux Conference. London, United Kingdom. June 2018.
International Conference on Space and Cinema. Lisbon, Portugal. Nov. 2016.
Minding the Senses / Sensing the Mind. Madrid, Spain. May 2016.
Audiovisualtopia. Madrid, Spain. Oct. 2015.
Space and Place in European Cinema Conference. Galway, Ireland. July 2015.
Rhetoric of War International Conference. Madrid, Spain. May 2014.
Globalization: Texts · Performances · Practices. Madrid, Spain. April 2014.
Changing Times: Performances and Identities On Screen. Lisbon, Portugal. Nov. 2012.
Authority versus Alterity. Lisbon, Portugal. Sept. 2012.
Crossroads. Paris, France. July 2012.
Identity, Culture & Communication. Madrid, Spain. April 2012.
International Communication Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, May 2011.
Culture & Power Conference: Identity & Identification. Ciudad Real, Spain. April 2010.
Representation Now Conference. Madrid, Spain. April 2010.
Gender, Media, and the Public Sphere International Conference. Coimbra, Portugal.
Oct. 2009.
International Communications Association Conference. Dresden, Germany. June 2006.
Crossroads of History and Culture Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. April, 2006.
Media and Belief in an Interdependent World International Conference. Paris, France.
March 2005.
International Conference on Discourse Analysis. Valencia, Spain. May 2004.
Cultural Studies in the World Today Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. Nov. 2003.
International Communications Association Conference. Washington, District of Columbia.
May 2001.
Midwest Graduate Communications Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 2000.
National Communications Association Conference. Chicago, Illinois. Nov. 1999.
International Communications Association Conference. San Francisco, California. May
Midwest Graduate Communications Conference. Iowa City, Iowa. April 1999.
Contemporary American Media Conference: Visual/Virtual Reality. West Lafayette, Indiana.
April 1999.
Border Subjects Conference. Normal, Illinois. Oct. 1998.
Intercultural Communications Conference. Miami, Florida. Feb. 1998.
Midwest Graduate Communications Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota. April 1997.
Midwest Journalism History Conference. Urbana, Illinois. April 1996.
Conference Activity – Panel Chair/Respondent
International Association for Media and Communication Conference (IAMCR). Lyon, France.
July 2023.
International Conference on Space and Cinema. Lisbon, Portugal. Nov. 2016.
Audiovisualtopia. Madrid, Spain. Oct. 2015.
Space and Place in European Cinema Conference. Galway, Ireland. July 2015.
Rhetoric of War International Conference. Madrid, Spain. May 2014.
Globalization: Texts · Performances · Practices. Madrid, Spain. April 2014.
Marvelous Bodies: Corporeality in Literature Conference. Madrid, Spain. May, 2013.
Multiplicities: Mapping Identity through Literature Conference. Madrid, Spain. May,
Identity, Culture & Communication. Madrid, Spain. April 2012.
Forming Identity, Transforming Space. Madrid, Spain. April 2011.
Currency and Consumption Conference. Madrid, Spain. May 2010.
Representation Now Conference. Madrid, Spain. April 2010.
Voices and Vision Conference. Madrid, Spain. June 2009.
Love and Conquest. Madrid, Spain. May 2008.
Midwest Graduate Communications Conference. Urbana, Illinois. April 1998.
Invited Addresses (External)
"Tabloids, Flak Mills and Sham Journalism: A Case Study Analysis of the Discourses
of The (UK) Express, National Review and Newsmax". Working Group on the Global New Right. New York University (Via Zoom). Nov. 2022.
"Dissed Information: Beyond Fake News & Toward a Theory of Weaponized Flak Discourses".
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium. April 2019.
"Flak: Definitions and Implications for Journalism Practice". Anglo-American University.
Prague, Czech Republic. March 2019.
"Current Perspectives on the Chomsky and Herman Propaganda Model". Institute of Communications
Research, University of. Illinois at Urbana—Champaign (Via Skype). Oct. 2012.
"Still Filtering? The Herman & Chomsky Propaganda Model After 25 Years". Department
of Communication, Saint Louis University—Saint Louis, Missouri (Via Skype). March
"US and European Film: Comparative Political Economy, Parts I and II". American University
of Rome. Rome, Italy. March 2012.
"Triumph(alism) of the Will(ian Discourse): A van Dijkian Ideological Analysis of
George F. Will’s Editorials (2002-2004)". English Language and Linguistics Seminar,
Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Universitat de Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
Oct. 2004.
Honors and Awards
SLU-Madrid Student Government Association Faculty Award. May 2021.
At University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
- Incomplete List of Instructors Ranked as Excellent by Their Students: Outstanding Citation. "Introduction to Film": Spring 1998, Spring 2000.
- Incomplete List of Instructors Ranked as Excellent by Their Students. "Introduction to Film": Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Spring 2001.
- Incomplete List of Instructors Ranked as Excellent by Their Students. "Social and Cultural Foundations of Communication": Fall 1994, Fall 1996.